• Posts a quote or images every 6 hours.
• Currently has 62 quotes and 30 images.
• Retweets EiYuzu art
• Feel free to reply to ask the source story of a quote!
This is a constant work in progress, as new stories come out and new translations are available
Run by @CometHalations (acc in following), DM me or the bot account for anything!
All quotes are used with permission for translators in their ToS.
DM mod if you want it taken down.
(Next step is adding quotes from engstars stories)


Milky Way
Dance Floor
Noble Game
Hot Winter

Day Dream
Yuzuru - Management Story 2
Eichi - Birthday Story 2018
Eichi - Birthday Story 2020
Yuzuru - Birthday Story 2020
Eichi - Idol Story 2